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All memecoins deployed on the WAGMI platform allocate 100% of their total supply to the liquidity pool (LP) on Uniswap V3 or Shadow CL. While token devs have the first chance to purchase from this supply, they must use ETH to do so as an other trader.
After launch, the LP NFT is securely stored in the WAGMI Fair Launch smart contract, making it impossible to withdraw. This ensures that all WAGMI memecoins are protected against LP rug pulls by developers or any other parties.
WAGMI is committed to safeguarding your assets with full transparency. To further reinforce trust and visibility, WAGMI now proposes locking the LP of your tokens with UNCX – a leading locker solution.
Locking your LP with UNCX boosts trader confidence in your project, earning a perfect 100/100 from top analysis tools and a green lock symbol on token screeners. As part of WAGMI's support for new projects, we proudly sponsor UNCX LP locking for any wagmicoin that achieve 30 ETH (~$100k) Mcap.
The WAGMI Fair Launch smart contract, responsible for deploying all memecoins, utilizes the Open Zeppelin ERC-20 implementation, recognized as the safest option on the market.
Open Zeppelin's smart contracts are rigorously audited to ensure maximum security. You can find the recent audit here.
Additionally, all memecoins deployed via WAGMI:
feature renounced ownership (making them non-ownable);
lack minting capabilities;
do not possess lock authority, ensuring a high level of trust and security within the ecosystem.
Our smart contract sets a new standard for security in launchpads. From the moment zero, all tokens are directly transferred to the Uniswap v3 (renowned as the most secure DEX to date, thanks to rigorous audits) or Shadow CL pool and LPs are then locked in our smart contract to ensure no rugpulls.